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Hi friends 🙂

Just a thought from Costa Rica…

When God gives us something new, it’s usually a little bit scary, along with some newness and excitement sprinkled in there as well. Until we actually dive in. Then we get thrown and around tumbled upside down, literally searching for God to bring us back on our feet. Then it’s just straight fear. “I cannot do this.” “I am not equipped.” “God, why did You do that?” That is, unless we learn from the first go around. 

Waves of faith, to me, means that as the waves come toward us, we choose to continue pressing in. To listen to God more, to try new techniques, to experiment with the Lord, even when the fear of what happened before, be that rejection, failure, or judgment, still haunts us. That’s when it becomes fun. 

And when the Lord calls into further obedience, aka to surf the scary waves, we obey. Waves of faith… Surf them! We grab the surfboard, paddle out, and try and try again; with lots of struggle, and lots of faith. That’s when we experience the thrill of obedience. How this deeper relationship and call from the Lord is so much better than just diving under waves, but being able to go along with the unknown and enjoy it with God

It is such a good example of how hard and hurtful and scary and unknown obedience to the Lord is. It quite literally is taking the first step and allowing the Lord to lead. It is giving up control and learning to push further when we are too tired, or too weak, or too scared. But the thrill and the adventure is worth every second of the journey. 

All the love,


4 responses to “Waves of Faith. Surf Them.”

  1. Good word!
    Marie and I have been presented with an opportunity that is tossing and turning me.
    Only one place to find peace