
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi friends 🙂

So training camp. Those few weeks were a time where God did all the talking and I did all the listening, learning, leaning, and loving. There is so much I could talk about but for now let’s just touch on forgiveness. 

The entire idea of forgiveness is something I think we are all quite familiar with. Personally, I grew up having to say “I forgive you” to anyone who had hurt me or been mean. And then, on top of that, I had to give them a hug or was expected to act fine; whether my feelings were still hurt or not. And I think that honestly messed with my view of forgiveness; I saw it as a chore for so long. 

Forgiveness is an action and a heart posture. It’s expected of us, yes. Jesus says we should forgive every time someone asks for forgiveness. But it is also something that we do for ourselves. Reserving and holding onto our anger or hurt or sadness or betrayal allows for someone else to control us. And in that control we are constantly following this person around, chasing them in our minds. And it pulls us away from God, not only in the following of them but also the mental toll that sitting constantly and consistently in an emotion can take. How can we converse with God and be in His presence when the only thing on our minds is someone who has wronged us? And the hate or anger or hurt we feel towards them? 

And then that leads me to think about how God meets us where we are at. After we forgive, when that pain is still an open wound, when it’s hard to let go of because it just hurts so much; He is there giving us strength to continually say “I forgive”. And then when that wound is now a scab, He gives us the peace and comfort and strength to not pick at it; to not dwell in it. And then when that scab becomes a scar God gives us the power to be able to reflect and grow and learn from it. It’s truly incredible and genuinely surprised me how much God is involved in the action of forgiveness if we let Him be. 

All the love,


4 responses to “Forgiveness. Let’s Talk About It.”

  1. I get a blessing each time I read your words. Love you for going forward..for living your life with God’s word at the head of the table. Carry on…love you!

  2. Such wise words written so well. Keep allowing your heart to take it all in Caroline. I can already see spiritual and personal growth through your words. Makes me so excited to read what you have for us in the future! Thankful for your willingness to serve our Lord and so thankful for you! Love you bunches!

  3. Yup – pretty much did the same thing to our kids….sorry. I know it was from a good heart of wanting to help create a habit of forgiveness. But you are right – it’s not just overlooking an offense, it’s inviting Jesus into the healing process. Miss all of you – see you in 7 weeks or so.

  4. I started reading this in your voice, almost as if you were currently sitting on my couch talking to me! I think I really needed these words this morning, thanks for your faithfulness in taking the time to write it out and pass it on. To withhold forgiveness is to have a poverty mindset about the Lord’s forgiveness toward us first and foremost. His forgiveness changes things!

    You’re a really good writer, Caroline! Please keep writing!